Lanzarote funeral care
flowers wreaths and sensitive arrangements Support care and reassurance when it matters most.

We Provide

A tailored service which is sensitive to your needs and the needs of your family. We are primarily helping people who are living in Lanzarote but are not from here originally, and therefore the needs of these people are more far reaching than when a death occurs in ones own country.

Lanzarote Funeral Care has become the island's leading funeral coordinator because of the high quality of care we deliver through our people working at a local level with experience and expertise of local customs and practice.

Our aftercare is where there is often the greatest need, when dealing with foreign estates. Our aftercare service can deal with all aspects of estate management, in addition to that of grief counselling and personal care giving. We are committed to providing our clients and their loved ones with the best possible care

© Lanzarote Funeral Care